A Writing Tutorial For Dummies

Hello fellow bloggers! In this post, I am going to show you how to write a decent fiction story! So, pull out your thinking caps, grab a notebook and pencil (or laptop), and let’s get writing!

First things first, you have to know what you’re going to write about. This is common sense, you have to start somewhere. My story ideas usually begin with a small, tiny idea, and then it grows.

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Now, congratulations! You have a story idea! Now, you have to plan where it’s going to go. Meaning, that the story has to have an actual plot. It has to have a beginning, middle, and end, or it isn’t a story at all. The story line actually helps when you get stuck on a certain part.

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Now, the introduction to your story is the key to success. It sets the mood, basically everything for the rest of the story. Is it an action story?A fight scene or a important business meeting gone wrong is a great way to start. Horror? Make the setting be a small town with a creepy past. Make it your own though, because lord knows the old “Old Man Jenkins And His Old Creepy House” story is so played out.

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Then, you write the bulk of your story: the middle. Make sure to have interesting dialogue, and character building. I really can’t tell you how to write the middle of your story. It’s all up to you how you want it to go. If you want to add rainbows and unicorns, go ahead. If you wanna add demons and dragons, that’s cool too. Just please use correct grammar and punctuation, that’s all I ask. No one’s going to be interested in your story if they keep getting distracted by horrible spelling.

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#andthatsthetea #sorrynotsorry


Now, we go to the grand finale, the ending. The ending raps up your story and/or leaves the readers patiently waiting for a sequel. How you end your story is crucial. Make it have a lasting impact on your audience. Do you want your two main characters married and have a super cheesy, sappy wedding?  Go ahead. You wanna have the main character killed heroically in a war/fight to the death? Do that too. Both will leave your readers crying, whether it’s tear of joy, or tears of despair. You choose.

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So, that’s it folks! Here was my little class about writing stories. Hopefully this helped you, and hopefully the GIFs made you chuckle. The last bit of advice I have is this. At the end of the day, you control your story and what goes in it. Don’t let other people go and ruin your good idea just because they don’t like it, because at the end of the day, you’re the one who wrote it.

That’s all I have to say. Deuces!

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